King, Queen or Rex
Heirs to the Throne
Ruler of a Principality
One time award for the Dowager Princess Janeltis
Heirs to a principality
Armored Champion of An Tir Ceremonial
Kingdom Rapier Champion Ceremonial
Kingdom A&S Champion Ceremonial
Archery Champion of An Tir. Ceremonial
Kingdom Bardic Champion Ceremonial
Kingdom Equestrian Champion Ceremonial
Created by Queen Hlutwige and King Tjorkill. The Crown chooses a recipient who, in their eyes, inspires Them and embodies the ideals of An Tir and the Society. This choice may be singularly theirs or with counsel from previous recipients. Ceremonial
A title achieved by those who have served at least twice as the Sovereign or Consort of a Kingdom.
The title earned by those who have served once as the King or Queen and usually accompanied by the awarding of a Patent of Arms by the Crown. Also know as Yarl or Earl.
The title achieved by those who have served as Prince, Princess or Princeps of An Tir and more recently of the Principalities of the Summits, Avacal and Tir Righ. This rank usually is accompanied by a Patent of Arms.
A title bestowed by the Crown on those who act as representatives of the Crown in the Baronies of the Kingdom.
A royal official that temporarily runs a Barony or Principality in the name of the Crown until permanent representatives may be found.
A member of the Order of Chivalry who has sworn fealty to the Throne upon his/her elevation to the Peerage. Ceremonial
Membership carries a Patent of Arms and is awarded by the Crown to those who have demonstrated qualities of nobility and outstanding achievement in the arts and sciences in the Kingdom. Commonly referred to as a Peerage. Peers choose their own designation; the most common is Master/Mistress, but designations such as Dame, Companion and others are also used. Ceremonial
A member of the Order of Chivalry who did not swear fealty to the Thrones of An Tir upon their elevation to the Peerage. This was originated for those who could not swear fealty because of modern loyalty oaths. Ceremonial
Companionship in the Order of Defense is granted to those who have excelled in rapier or cut-and-thrust combat. Members of this order are referred to Masters and Mistresses of Defense. Ceremonial
Membership carries a Patent of Arms and is awarded by the Crown to those who have demonstrated qualities of nobility and outstanding achievement in service to the Kingdom. Commonly referred to as a Peerage. Peers choose their own designation; the most common is Master/Mistress, but designations such as Dame, Companion and others are also used. Ceremonial
Membership carries a Grant of Arms and is awarded by the Crown to those who have given excellent service to the Kingdom. A Grant of Arms is the second level of armigerous rank. Those who have achieved a Grant level award are given the title of Lordship, Ladyship, Noble; (Name), Armiger; (Given name), Armiger, or (Name) nobilis Ceremonial
The Gray Goose Shaft may be offered by the Crown on the advice of the members of the order, for demonstrating exceptional skill and chivalry in one or more of the following areas: Target Archery, Combat Archery, Missile Combat, Thrown Weapons, Siege Weapons or Equestrian Archery; plus service to An Tir and its people, knowledge of the courtly graces, and obedience to the laws and ideals of An Tir and the Society. Members of the Order of the Gray Goose Shaft shall be known as Archos. The award also imparts a Grant of Arms to the recipient. Ceremonial
A Grant level award given by the Crown for excellence and chivalry in the pursuit and practice of the art of war. A Grant of Arms is the second level of armigerous rank. Those who have achieved a Grant level award are given the title of Lordship, Ladyship, Noble; (Name), Armiger; (Given name), Armiger, or (Name) nobilis Ceremonial
Membership carries a Grant of Arms and is awarded by the Crown to those who have shown excellence in the arts and sciences. A Grant of Arms is the second level of armigerous rank. Those who have achieved a Grant level award are given the title of Lordship, Ladyship, Noble; (Name), Armiger; (Given name), Armiger, or (Name) nobilis Ceremonial
The Lion et de la Lance is a Grant level Kingdom award given for Excellence in the Equestrian arts. They may take students who are known as Equerry. The order was originally submitted as the Ordu Equi (Order of the Horse). The premiere of the order is Rapheal the Rogue, presented by Thorin and Dagmaer at Twelfth Night, AS XXIX.
The Sable Gauntlet of An Tir may be offered to those especially deserving of honor for their excellence and chivalry in the pursuit and practice of heavy armed combat, rapier, thrown weapons, siege or archery. This award confers a Grant of Arms. Those who have achieved a Grant level award are given the title of Lordship, Ladyship, Noble; (Name), Armiger; (Given name), Armiger, or (Name) nobilis
The White Scarf may be offered by the Crown on the advice of the members of the order, for demonstrating exceptional skill and chivalry in rapier combat, service to An Tir and its people, knowledge of the courtly graces, and obedience to the laws and ideals of An Tir and the Society. With the introduction of the Order of the Masters of Defense, this Order is closed.
The next level of rank above an Award of Arms. It is awarded by the Crown generally to those individuals who greatly contribute to our Society over a period of several years. Those who have achieved a Grant level rank are given the title of The Honorable Lord or The Honorable Lady. Individuals with simple Grants of Arms process behind those with Grant Level Awards.
A title bestowed by the Crown usually to founding and/or stepping-down Territorial Barons/Baronesses, and those who have given long term service to the Kingdom. Ceremonial
A group who either received an AoA or received an award called Armigerous Group (group being defined as more than one person acting as a single entity).
The first level of armigerous rank awarded by the Crown generally to those who have become recognized integrated participants in the Society. The Crown of An Tir has granted Principality Coronets the privilege of bestowing AA's to subjects of Their Principalities in the name of the Crown. Those who have achieved an Award level rank are given the title of Lord, Lady, Noble; (Name), Armiger; (Given name), Armiger, or (Name) nobilis. Ceremonial
Inlands regional Herald
Silver Yale and Bleu Grael are deputies of Black Lion, responsible for the administration, promotion and exercise of heraldic activity throughout the principalities of Tir Rígh and the Summits. They report to Black Lion, serving at the pleasure of both the principality Coronet and Black Lion.
Award of Arms given to those in recognition of their efforts to learn and further the Arts.
Award of Arms given to those in recognition of their efforts to learn and further the Martial Arts. Prior to January 2020, this award was called the Fury of Fenrir.
The Lion's Heart Herald is a "Staff" position in the An Tir College of Arms, fulfilling whatever duties are required by Black Lion.
Award of Arms given to those in recognition of their efforts to learn and further the arts of Archery or Thrown Weapons.
Award of Arms given to those in recognition of their Service. Prior to July 2023, this was known as the Sanguins Thorn.
Banner awarded at An Tir/West War.
Argent Scroll is the heraldry education deputy, charged with: soliciting and evaluating bids for the Kingdom Heraldic and Scribal Symposium, advertising the Symposium within the kingdom, working with the kingdom scribe to recruit instructors to meet educational needs both for the Symposium as as needs are identified, and engaging in general outreach to the populace to further knowledge and appreciation of the heraldic function
The highest non-armigerous award granted for service to the Kingdom in an official capacity.
Companions of the Rose and Companions of Valorous Estate. A mark of favor given by the Companions of the Rose and the Companions of Valorous Estate for courteous behavior. Ceremonial
A Black Lion staff herald, typically working as a submissions deputy.
Boar Pursuivant is a deputy to Lions Blood Herald and is responsible for data entry, putting together the ILoI (Internal Letter of Intent) in An Tir?s portion of the OSCAR system. ILoIs are issued once per month between the 15th and 20th of the month; Boar can work on the document throughout the month or all at once prior to the deadline, as long as the task is completed in a timely fashion. In general, there will be one last check of the PO box around the 15th of the month, so there will usually be a least a couple submissions that need to be entered promptly.
The Bountiful Hand is bestowed by the Crown to the many individuals and groups who contribute to the word fame of the Kingdom through donations of time, treasure, and service in the creation of largesse, clothing for the Crown, Kingdom scrolls, Kingdom regalia, and anything else created on behalf of the Crown or Kingdom.
Before A and S were combined. *Closed office*
Chamberlain for Any Branch
The Chatelaine's Office is responsible for providing an introduction to the Current Middle Ages to new or prospective members, for advising newcomers of the conventions of the Society, their Kingdom and branch, and for encouraging participation in the Society.
Chirurgeons provide voluntary first aid at Society events. They also notify attendees of health and safety concerns at Society events. Branch Chirurgeons provide voluntary first aid at events.
Branch Chroniclers act as the recording secretary for administrative functions of the branch.
"The Constabulary" was the corps of people whose job it was to provide a safety and security watch for the event overall. Branch Constabulary Officers worked under the Branch Constable.
Court reporter for any given branch Reign.
Exchequer for a branch of An Tir.
Branch Gamesmasters teach games, play games, hold games nights and conduct gaming tournaments.
Branch Marshal
Primary Scribe of a Barony, Shire or other group.
Seneschal for any Branch of An Tir.
A dedicated team of Deputies that work on branding, marketing, retention, and new member engagement.
Created by Queen Lao, membership is awarded by the Queen for excellence in persona development. Ceremonial
For recognition of their contribution to the ignominious death of their King-They are charged by the Crown to forever display on their war kits the following as a warning to all who might otherwise seek protection from them on the war field: fieldless, a butterfly bearing a ballista bolt, Or."
A Token of recognition in appreciation of faithful and true hearted deed and exemplary service which hath brought much benefit unto the constabulary of An Tir.
A deputy to Black Lion Principal Herald, and responsible for the College's Roll of Arms website.
Demi-Lion is one of two contingency deputies for the office of Black Lion. Where Queue Forchée is assumed by the prior Black Lion, and can step in as an experienced officer should Black Lion be unable to perform the duties of office early in the tenure, Demi-Lion is a role for an intermediate officer to gain experience and be available later in the tenure.
Minor Officer- assistant to Primary Scribe Officer.
Youth Armored Combat Marshals
Deputy Kingdom Archery Marshal is a deputy to the Kingdom Archery Marshal.
Deputy Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal is a deputy to the Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal.
Deputy Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal is a deputy to the Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal.
Deputy to Kingdom Event Coordinator
Deputy to Kingdom Seneschal in charge of Branch Polling procedures.
Deputy Kingdom Rapier Marshal is a deputy to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
Deputy Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal is a deputy to the Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal.
The Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal reports to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal and is responsible for the youth rapier fighting program in An Tir. The Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal also works with the Kingdom Seneschal's office to make sure that the program is in compliance with all of the Kingdom requirements around authorization of marshals and paperwork for YRC fighters. The Kingdom YRC Marshal also works with local programs to encourage participation through education and help with paperwork requirements.
Officer in charge of the upkeep of An Tir's Order of Precedence database.
A token of personal favour given by the Queen of An Tir, first created by Princess Maelen of An Tir. Ceremonial
A three-tiered commission given for the duration of the Sovereign's reign for war fighting as follows and the regalia gained during this commission may be retained and displayed after the Sovereign reign: • Defender of the Realm - given to individuals on the war field for ferocity in battle. • Captain of the Realm - give to the leader of a 5-10 man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King's reign. • Commander of the Realm - give to the leader of a 10+ man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King's reign.
A non-armigerous token of personal favour given by the Dowager Princess of An Tir.
This award is given in recognition of merchants who make their booths look period.
Award of The Grace of An Tir is granted by the Royal Consort for gracious and chivalric behavior. The symbol of the award is a fieldless apple blossom quarterly Or and argent. Much like the flower which bears fruit to enrich and sustain, so too do those members of Our populace who in deed display grace, courtesy, and chivalry above and beyond that which is expected. Recipients will be recognized for leading by example and in so doing promoting these ideals upon which the Society was founded
This award is given to a person or branch for extending personal hospitality to the Crown.
It is not an award as much as it is a recognition, and is usually given at the Society level by Laurel Sovereign of Arms. It is non armigerous, but to a Herald, it is the supreme recognition of spiffyness, and entitles the recipient to register a personal heraldic title that is, in effect, personal cannot be reassigned by Kingdom. Ceremonial
Given to consorts that are particularly supportive and inspirational.
Created by Prince Manfred, membership is bestowed by fellow members in recognition of courage in the face of real danger in the context of an SCA event.
given by the king, at his last court, to those who were of exceptional service during his reign. It recognizes those who have been the pillars of the Crown, beyond the call of duty. No more than ten Cyphers may be awarded during a reign. The token is an item bearing the king's initial together with an "R". Established March 9, A.S. XXX by Balfar II and Luna II.
A token of personal favour given by the King. Ceremonial
Bestowed by the King upon a squire for chivalry shown.
given by the king to those who have been of exemplary personal service to him during his reign. This award may be received multiple times, for service during different reigns.
A&S Minister of a Kingdom
Known as the Kingdom Royal Archer. The Royal Archer is a Lesser Kingdom Officer under the administration of the Earl Marshal. The responsibilities of the Royal Archer include encouraging the development of period archery; and maintaining, publishing, and enforcing the rules for target archery.
Kingdom Armoured Combat Marshal
The Kingdom Calendar Officer was a deputy of the Kingdom Seneschal. The Kingdom Calendar Officer was responsible for maintaining the Kingdom Events Calendar. The Kingdom Calendar Officer was renamed "Kingdom Calendar Deputy" in 2016.
Editor of submissions for the Kingdom Newsletter.
The warranted chief marshal officer of a Kingdom who has primary responsibility for overseeing cut and thrust combat activities. The Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal is a deputy to the Kingdom Rapier Marshal.
The Royal Equestrian Marshal is a Lesser Kingdom Office under the administration of the Earl Marshal. The responsibilities of the Royal Equestrian are to oversee equestrian activities in the Kingdom. He/she has the responsibility to test and recommend warranting of new equestrian marshals, to keep records of current equestrian marshals, to keep records of the Equestrian Insurance forms and help ensure that they are filed in a timely manner before an event. The Royal Equestrian is also charged to maintain records of qualified riders in An Tir, to assist autocrats in assigning a Equestrian Marshal-in-Charge of an event, and to make sure safety is maintained and injuries are reported.
Coordinator and gatekeeper of Kingdom events.
Exchequer to Kingdom
The Kingdom Missile Combat Marshal is a deputy to the Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal. The responsibilities of the Kingdom Missile Combat Marshal include encouraging combat archery and hand-thrown weapons on the war field; and maintaining, updating and enforcing the rules for combat archery and thrown weapons on the war field in cooperation with the Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal.
The Kingdom Rapier Marshal is a Lesser Kingdom Officer under the administration of the Earl Marshal, known as the KRM. Kingdom Rapier Marshal is responsible for maintaining, publishing and enforcing the rules for rapier combat in the Kingdom. The KRM will communicate with the Principality, Regional, and Branch marshals about rule changes, the status of rapier combat in their areas, and any challenges faced by fighters and marshals. The Kingdom Rapier Marshal is also responsible for the storage and delivery of the list field for the Queen's Rapier Championship tournament at Twelfth Night.
The Royal Chamberlain is responsible for the maintenance of Royal regalia, making an inventory of the Royal regalia at the change of Reigns, and arranging storage for the Royal Regalia.
Deputy for Scribal Education and Contests
Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal is a Lesser Kingdom Officer under the administration of the Earl Marshal. The responsibilities of the Kingdom Thrown Weapons Marshal are to encourage the development of thrown weapons; and to maintain, publish, and enforce the rules for thrown weapons.
The Kingdom Youth Armored Combat Marshal, or YAC Marshal, reports to the Kingdom Earl Marshal and is responsible for the youth fighting program in An Tir. The Kingdom YAC Marshal also works with the Kingdom Seneschal's office to make sure that the program is in compliance with all of the Kingdom requirements around authorization of marshals and paperwork for YAC fighters. The Kingdom YAC Marshal also works with local programs to encourage participation through education and help with paperwork requirements.
An award given to emphasize Queen Stjarna's displeasure at a prank involving rubber garter snakes in the Queen's bed, Gulf Wars A.S. LI
Given to the teens of An Tir for continued service.
A mark of favour given by the Crown to those who have completed a term as the Kingdom Protector (archery champion) Ceremonial
An award given by the Crown to children who have shown noble merit. Created in 1984 by Berek and Liesel, this award is intended to honour the young children of An Tir (ages 5 - 10) who display courtesy and/or service but might not be ready for an Award of Arms. Ceremonial
A mark of favour given by the Crown to those who have completed a term as the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Champion. Ceremonial
The Order of the Lion’s Mane is given by the Crown to individuals excelling in the display, wearing and/or creation of exceptional period costume.
Given to Prince and Princess Royales at the end of Their Parent's Reign.
A mark of favour given by the Crown to those who have completed a term as the Champion of Rapier Combat. Ceremonial
The Lion’s Strength is given for consistent and significant contributions to the Kingdom for 20 years or more.
A mark of favour given by the Crown to those who have completed a term as the Champion of An Tir. Ceremonial
Herald who manages Ceremonial
Founded by King Steingrim, membership is awarded by the king to those whose armour worn on the field is functional, historically accurate, and esthetically pleasing. Ceremonial
Lion's Troubadour: A mark of favour given by the Crown to those who have completed a term as the Bardic Champion of An Tir Ceremonial
Löwenmähne is responsible for organizing the tournament heraldry at Crown Tournaments, Coronation, and 12th Night, and ensuring coverage of town crier duties at An Tir/West War (when An Tir is hosting). This involves assigning heralds to each list that is open for heavy fighting and rapier fighting for all the tournaments that request it (Crown Tournament is always heralded). In addition, as the fighters sign in for Crown Tournament, Löwenmähne provides them with their precedence order in coordination with Dexter Gauntlet, and with voice heralds to assist in announcing each with their inspiration. Löwenmähne also coordinates with Black Lion to ensure the heralds' pavilion is set up on the list field at Crown Tournament.
Ludicrous Bowman is the highest attainable rank in target archery, having the name because it had been thought to be unreachable until it was proven otherwise. This is a rank that is recognized in all kingdoms and is the only rank which gets recognized in Royal court (due to the rarity of it being achieved).
An award created by King Vic Vikingson and Queen Inga the Unfettered to be "awarded to those who have gone above and beyond the obligations of fealty and rank to contribute to the word fame of the Kingdom through donations of time, goods, and service to the creation of largesse, clothing for the Crown, and Kingdom regalia. It is customarily given no more than twice per reign."
A token of favour given by the Minister for Arts and Sciences for significant service to furtherance of the arts and sciences in the Kingdom. Ceremonial
Growing court heralds helping them network with other heralds and local Coronets, to enable them to gain experience offering constructive criticism and positive feedback teaching court heraldry (copyrighted training materials are available) Perform court heraldry as needed, often as a training exercise for junior court heralds, in Royal or baronial settings Encourage Crown and Coronet to make use of court heralds from within the College Encourage potential talent to become more deeply involved in the court herald community Serve as point of contact for heads of retinue to recruit local court heralds for events
Motley Pursuivant was used as a heraldic title for a deputy of Lions Blood Herald. The job of Motley was to write notifications letters for Lions Blood decisions as well as Laurel Letters of Acceptance and Return (LoARs), but is presently being used as a general staff position.
An award given by the previous recipient for conspicuous ferocity in the Crown or Coronet list of An Tir.
The Queen’s Honor of the Or and Argent was established to be given out to such an individual once per reign who labors quietly serving in the shadows of the Lion Thrones on tasks for the betterment of An Tir.
For those innovating in times of need to the benefit of An Tir. The badge for this order is "Checky Or and argent, on a lotus blossom in profile sable a flame argent." Prior to August 2023, this award was called the Alimentum Vitae.
New Branch Liaison and Support
A Peer Council Secretary serves as the primary contact for one of the Peer Councils.
Members of Black Lion's staff are typically experienced heralds, and act in a variety of roles, whether providing advice, assistance, or driving special projects
Given for extremely entertaining "death throes" upon the field of combat. History
Given for Extremely entertaining "Death Throes" upon the field of combat. SR-'s can create new members of the Order
A Herald who provides intermittent consults or heraldic services at events, online or otherwise, without holding a named office.
Given to those who have distinguished themselves through personal service to the Queen.
A token of personal favour given by the Queen
an honor offered to unbelted fighters who show much promise. Members of the Guard wear a baldric of red leather with the device of the queen of the West tooled into it, and are given the favor of the queen on whose guard they serve.
The Guard spear is an award given by a Queen of An Tir to recognize a member of the Queen's Guard during Their Reign. It has been given at most twice during a single reign, but usually only one is given per reign.
The Queue Forchée (Contingency) Herald administers the office if the Black Lion (Principal) Herald, and Demi-Lion Herald for whatever reason, cannot continue in that role.
A peerage council secretary for a given region
The Order of the Righteous Rath, wherein membership is awarded by the King to those who have achieved historically accurate and esthetically pleasing encampments.
The Order of the Rose: The Order of the Rose consists of former Royal Consorts of a kingdom. It is specifically charged with encouraging chivalrous and courteous behavior among all members of the Society. It may be non-armigerous, or it may be defined as a Patent Order according to the laws and customs of the kingdom. In the latter case, the general requirements for peerage must be met. Ceremonial
Royal Bard
For those recognized efforts of clothiers working to dress the King And/Or Queen to best represent the Kingdom.
Granted by the Crown to any artisan, permitting the artisan to include the phrase "By Royal Appointment" and similar on correspondence, signs and banners. See An Tir Kingdom Law for specific phrases allowed.
Court Coordinator for The King and Queen.
The Royal Cypher is given to those who have been thoughtful and helpful personally to the Crown. The token is a medallion, unique to the reign. A person might receive several Cyphers from different reigns.
Retinue for a particular An Tirian Reign.
A personal award given by the Crown that is not part of a formal order and are non-armigerous.
No Description
Given by the Crown to the individual with the single highest score on an entry in the Kingdom Arts & Sciences and Bardic competition.
Created by Queen Mahliqa, it is bestowed for excellence in musical display. To be given by the Crown for a specific excellent and/or inspirational performance, or continuing performance throughout the Kingdom. Ceremonial
Black Lion Staff: Members of Black Lion's staff are typically experienced heralds, and act in a variety of roles, whether providing advice, assistance, or driving special projects. Frequently, they also provide OSCAR commentary at either the Kingdom or Laurel level.
Royal Court Herald
is given by the Crown for excellent service to An Tir by a member of the scribal community.
Reporting Herald, Deputy for Rivers and Western Regions
Given by the Crown to all individuals who score an 80% or higher on any entry in the Kingdom Arts & Sciences and Bardic competition.
An award given by the previous recipient for conspicuous valour in the Crown or Coronet list of An Tir. Prior to 2015 this award was called "Olde Shattered Shield".
A mark of Favour given by the Crown to the inspiration of a fighter who finishes second in the Crown list of An Tir. Created by Queen Signy during her first reign.
A mark of Favour given by the Crown to the fighter who finishes second in the Crown list.
A non-armigerous token of personal favour given by the Dowager Princess of An Tir.
Given by the Sovereign as recognition
It is given to recognize the influence and lasting mark left on Crown and Kingdom, and the significant void felt through their unfortunate absence. It is the rejoicing of their return, be it temporary or permanent within Our realm
"For conspicuous shenanigans, the recipient shall have a temporary reduction in their Order of Precedence during the reign it is received. This reduction will move them to the absolute bottom of the list in all Order of Precedence related items. They will be restored to previous level after the reign is over.
The Award of Terpsichore's Fox is given for excellence in the performance of dance and/or significant contribution to the development and encouragement of dance in the Kingdom. (Terpsichore is the muse of dance) Badge: Checky or and argent, a fox rampant and wreathed in flowers sable.
Terpsichores Fox Pursuivant is a deputy to Lions Blood Herald and is responsible for reviewing all name submissions for individuals and groups in the kingdom and determines if they should be accepted or returned for further work.
A personal award given by the Throne for a single contribution of significant consequence, i.e. successfully autocratting a demo at a world exposition, averting a Kingdom-level political crisis, etc.
The Town Crier Herald is responsible for organizing and ensuring the performance of town cries during outdoor Crown events.
Winner of a Rapier Tournament held in support of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve's Toys for Tots campaign.
An honour given to those who have served as Prince or Princess of An Tir or other Principalities.
Victor of Cancer Sucks Heavy Tournament.
Cloak awarded for valor on the field of An Tir/West War. Alternatively awarded each year by both Kingdoms.
Awarded to those who distinguish themselves as crafters of period written or spoken words which add to the authentic atmosphere. This includes wording for charters, scrolls, court wording, prose, poetry, performance pieces, letters, speech, and ceremonies.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
The division 1 badge for calligraphy/illumination
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
This award is presented to youth that show excellence in the SCA-wide YAFA (Youth and Family Achievement) program. This is a three tiered Division program across multiple disciplines.
Æstel Herald is a deputy to Black Lion Principal Herald, responsible for the Kingdom's library of heraldry resources and assists in researching names and armory. Æstel is also responsible for setting up a consult tables at Crown Events: Crown events include 12th Night, May Crown, July Coronation, and September Crown.
No Description
Honorarily made part of the awarding group.
this honor, modeled on the West Kingdom's Queen's Guard, is offered to unbelted fighters who show much promise. The members wear blue leather baldrics with the principality's device on the buckle tab. A Knight Counselor is usually named to guide and teach the escort.
Given to those who have been helpful to the Princess/Princeps during her/their reign. The token varies by Princess/Princeps.
Given by Coronet Inspiration to the fighter whom they judge to have been most chivalrous during the Coronet Lists. It is passed on at each Coronet Tournament.
Given by the Baron to denote His favor.
No Description
Emeritus (or retired) status is granted by various Baronies with various traditions. Some Baronies bestow it upon all Sergeants/Courtiers who attain Peerage (or retire) while others vote on a case-by-case basis. Regalia may or may not be returned. Most Emeritus are entitled to continue to attend Sergeantry Meetings and Council. Emeritus may provide advice and experience to the standing Sergeantry, but are usually not given voting priviledges.
Kingdom Herald for Court
The Warlord is the leader and head trainer for an army.
Youth Archery Champion
Heavy youth champion.
Equestrian Defender
Rapier Defender
Tablero Champion
Primary Kingdom Herald
Given after an individual's completion of term as Kingdom Equestrian Champion. Ceremonial
A token given by Queen Astrid to those that have served in the modern military forces.
A three-tiered commission given for the duration of the Sovereign's reign for war fighting as follows and the regalia gained during this commission may be retained and displayed after the Sovereign reign: • Defender of the Realm - given to individuals on the war field for ferocity in battle. • Captain of the Realm - give to the leader of a 5-10 man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King's reign. • Commander of the Realm - give to the leader of a 10+ man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King's reign.
A three-tiered commission given for the duration of the Sovereign's reign for war fighting as follows and the regalia gained during this commission may be retained and displayed after the Sovereign reign: • Defender of the Realm - given to individuals on the war field for ferocity in battle. • Captain of the Realm - give to the leader of a 5-10 man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King's reign. • Commander of the Realm - give to the leader of a 10+ man unit that serves the King and Kingdom in times of war during duration of a King's reign.
A three-tiered commission given for the duration of the Sovereign's reign for war fighting as follows and the regalia gained during this commission may be retained and displayed after the Sovereign reign. The "Defender of the Realm" is given to individuals on the war field for ferocity in battle.
Each May Crown the An Tir marshal community recognizes one of its own for their dedication and high quality performance of crucial work which allows others to enjoy the martial activities which are a vital part of the SCA. The new recipient is selected by the current holder of the honor and the Kingdom Earl Marshal, after receiving input from Their Majesties, the Royalty of the Principalities, and any member of the marshaling and fighting community who wishes to submit their comments.
Chatelaine of An Tir
Letters of marque and reprisal are commissions or warrants issued to someone to commit what would otherwise be acts of piracy. They will normally contain the following first three elements, unless they imply or refer to a declaration of war to define the enemies, and may optionally contain the remainder: 1.Names person, authorizes him to pass beyond borders with forces under his command. 2.Specifies nationality of targets for action. 3.Authorizes seizure or destruction of assets or personnel of target nationality. 4.Describes offense for which commission is issued as reprisal. 5.Restriction on time, manner, place, or amount of reprisal.
Lions Blood is a deputy to Black Lion responsible for the timely processing of heraldic submissions within the kingdom, from acceptance of a submission, through consideration at the kingdom level, to forwarding to Laurel for further consideration, or returning for further work. Notification of submitters is also a duty of Lions Blood, though generally delegated to a deputy.
Be it known that Margrethe af Traeth by excellent translation of an heraldic device, is hereby entitled Mistress in Stitchery, 1980 AD & may in token thereof wear folding scissors upon a golden cord. Given at Twelfth Night Anno Societatis 1981 by Janeltis, Princess Dowager of An Tir;
Child of a sitting Crown of An Tir
Royal Consul
Personal Scribe to Royalty of An Tir for a particular Reign.
Kingdom Scribe
Sinister Gauntlet Pursuivant is a deputy to Lions Blood Herald and is responsible for notifications of decisions regarding name and armory submissions. Decisions are issued once per month at both Kingdom and Laurel level; Sinister Gauntlet can work on decisions throughout the month or all at once, as long as the task is completed in a timely fashion. Additionally, this task may be shared with others at the discretion of Lions Blood and parties involved.
Whimsical Order of the Ailing Wit. For those who pun above and beyond the call of taste and sanity. Recipients are required to warn others by identifying themselves with a label of some sort with the initials of the order.
Youth Arts & Sciences Champion