Order of La Mano d'’Oro

Ceremonial of the Kingdom of An Tir

Version: (2022)

At Their Majesties' command, the HERALD will call the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences before the Thrones.

Let , Minister of Arts and Sciences of the Kingdom of An Tir,
come before Their Majesties.

The Minister of Arts and Sciences will come before the Thrones, bow or kneel, and at the Crown's command, will stand to the side of the Thrones.

Their Majesties will turn to the Minister:

, you have recommended to Us a candidate
to receive the award of the Mano d'Oro.
Who is this candidate?
Your Majesties, it is .
Let them be brought before Us.
Let come before the Thrones.

When the candidate has come forward:

Tell us of the accomplishments which have distinguished this candidate.

The MINISTER OF ARTS will relate the candidate's accomplishments, contributions, and service to the Arts and Sciences of An Tir.

, We have heard these accomplishments,
which have surely enriched the life of the Kingdom and people of An Tir,
and We find them worthy of recognition.
Therefore, We would honor you with the Order of La Mano d'Oro,
as these artists gathered here have been honored before you.
Will you accept this honor from Our hands?

Upon an affirmative answer, the herald will read the scroll, or the following:

Know all to whom these presents shall come
that in times past,
outstanding support of and performance in the arts and sciences
received especial acclaim in Our realm
in the form of a Golden Hand.
Accordingly, We, and , [Sovereigns] of An Tir,
upon the strong recommendation of Our Minister of Arts and Sciences,
do hereby bestow the Mano d'Oro upon Our subject ,
in token of their service to and accomplishments in the Arts and Sciences in Our land.
This We proclaim
this day of , Anno Societatis , being Gregorian.
, [Sovereign] of An Tir; , [Sovereign] of An Tir

The candidate will be given a token bearing the badge of the Mano d'Oro:

Bear this token as sign of the esteem
in which We hold you
and the contributions you have made to this Kingdom.

The CROWN will congratulate the new award holder, as will the Minister and the other award holders.

The HERALD will exhort the cheers of the populace.

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