Creation of a Herald Extraordinary

Ceremonial of the Kingdom of An Tir 
Version: September Crown LIII (2022)

The College of Heralds is called before the Crown. Black Lion is asked to speak.

Your Majesties, Black Lion Principal Herald has a business before Your Court.
Summon them to attend Us
Black Lion Principal Herald, present yourself unto Their Majesties.
Your Majesties, I do beg leave to exercise one of the ancient privileges of my office.
You have Our leave, and let all know that what you do, you do with Our Royal Assent.
The An Tir College of Heralds is summoned into Court.

(When the College has assembled)

In the 16th Year of the Society,
Wilhelm von Schlüssel, Laurel King of Arms,
sought to Recognize those heralds who had greatly served
their kingdom’s College of Heralds and the Society’s College of Arms,
and who had, as well, achieved the highest level of competence in Heraldry.
To do so, he created the rank of Herald Extraordinary.
Wilhelm Laurel charged the Principal Heralds of each kingdom
with the responsibility for elevating deserving heralds to this Rank
and gave them the privilege of granting those heralds the right to a personal heraldic title
That is, one vested in the herald’s own person
rather than in the territory that they serve.
Today, to recognize long and exemplary service
given to An Tir and the Society
in the varied arts Of heraldry,
with the Crown’s Assent,
I exercise this privilege and responsibility.
Let it be known to all that I
Black Lion Principal Herald,
and , Sovereigns of An Tir,
in recognition of (his/her/their) long, faithful and excellent service to An Tir And the Society,
do hereby raise Their trusty and well beloved servant
to the rank of Herald Extraordinary
and confer upon (him/her/them) the right to a Herald’s title,
to be (his/her/their) own Forever.
Their Majesties charge (him/her/them) to consult with Their heralds
to select a title becoming This dignity,
and do charge (him/her/them) to continue to keep to the duties of a true Herald,
as (he/she/they) Has so nobly done aforetimes.
In witness whereof,
and in remembrance of your oath as Herald,
drink deep from this cup and be recognized as Herald Extraordinary.

(Cup will be supplied by Black Lion. )

Then [… on this day …] be recognized as Herald Extraordinary.
Rise, and rejoin your colleagues.

At Their Majesties direction, Exhort cheers for the new Herald Extraordinary.

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